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The current status of China's fruit and vegetable powder

2019-07-24 11:42:51

China's total fruit area and total output has been firmly ranked first in the world. The total amount of fruits in China is 270 million tons, among which the global production of melons, fruits and pears has accounted for more than 64%. However, due to the large loss of fruits and vegetables in China, the processing and conversion capacity of fruits is also lower than that of developed countries. At the same time, the traditional processing methods, the added value of goods is relatively low, and it is increasingly unsuitable for the needs of the modern social market. Therefore, the processing of fruit and vegetable powder as a new type of processing has quietly emerged as the needs of the modern food industry progress.

First, the status of international and domestic fruit and vegetable powder processing: At present, advanced fruit and vegetable powder processing in developed countries has developed towards low temperature and frozen ultra fine pulverization, achieving full-effect utilization, more convenient use, more nutrients, and more human body. It is easy to absorb and digest. China's fruit processing started late, the processing conditions of processing enterprises are simple, and the problems of processing technology and technology are always restricting the development of China's fruit and vegetable.

Second, the processing technology of fruit and vegetable powder: fresh fruits and vegetables - cleaning - juice extraction - filtration - enzymatic hydrolysis - spray drying - sieving - packaging - finished products

Third, the main application areas: because the fruit and vegetable powder can maintain the flavor and nutrients of the original fruit well, as a functional food raw material, can significantly improve the taste, flavor, and color of the product, and enhance the value of the product.

1, The beverage industry

With the development of the food and beverage industry, it can be added as a fruity drink, yogurt, etc., to increase the taste and color of the product. As a beverage addition, it has the characteristics of “four modernizations”, “three lows”, “two highs” and “one nothing”. “Fourizations” means diversification, simplicity, health care, and practical use. "Three lows" means low fat, low cholesterol and low sugar. "Two high" means high protein and high dietary fiber. “Nothing” means no preservatives, pigments, flavors, etc.

2, Functional solid meal substitute 

Because fruits and vegetables powder is concentrated and refined from natural fruits and vegetables, rich in various dietary fiber and trace elements, etc., it can be used as the addition of functional meal substitute powder, increase the sense of satiety, supplement the nutrients needed by the body, play the role of meal substitute, and has the characteristics of good taste.

3, Baked goods

It can be used as a natural colorant with low sugar, low fat and low calorie, which can be used for baking cakes, biscuits, etc., to increase the selling point of the product.

Lemon powder  apple powder  mango powder

Pineapple powder, papaya powder, mulberry powder, tomato powder, wolf-berry powder,

And according to customer requirements customized production, development of new products.

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